Our MauiLahainaStrong Committee
Our mission is to "find the one". 
That one could be 50 families out of the 1000s.
Not all families are out on social media asking for help. 
Not all families want to blast their problems online. 
Some families want to grieve quietly. 
We want to bring them hope, love and progression. 
We have found a few and will continue searching for them.
We are here for the long haul. 
Healing will take many, many years.
After 808/the devastating fire we raised $500 in one week. 
Funds sent directly to a Lahaina family. Sent on 8/30/23
Thank you Channel 8 News for showing off Hula Island! Aired on 8/24/23
We sold MauiLahainaStrong fundraiser t-shirts for Lahaina.
Our very first donation was from Roman I. of Las Vegas. Donated 8/24/23
 Thank you to all that donated, even all the way from Alberta, Canada.
The rest of the t-shirts were hand delivered to the Lahaina families early November 2023. 

It is never too late to donate or adopt.
update 2/13/24
Many families need help.
About 200 families are waiting for housing and FEMA's help.
HulaMama702 contacts the Lahaina families monthly to make sure they're okay. 

HulaMama's story
"I adopted a kupuna.  She was staying with her sister. 
Finally, finally, finally... FEMA and Red Cross helped her get in to her own home.
She is so grateful and happy!  Unfortunately the help is only for a year. 
She will cross that bridge when the time comes.  She counts her blessings every day. 
We keep in touch, sometimes monthly or weekly and I'm grateful for the sisterhood"